
SG-2500I/JDigital display light illumination incubator
SG-2500I /J Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
SG-2500G /HDigital display light illumination incubator
SG-2500G /H Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
SG-2500E /F light illumination incubator
SG-2500E/F Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
SG-2500C / D digital display light incubator
SG-2500C / D digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment,the structure use imported stainless steel liner,Insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
SG-2500A / B Digital display light illumination incubator
SG-2500A / B Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
電熱恒溫培養(yǎng)箱適用于工農業(yè)生產,科學研究實驗,醫(yī)療等單位作細菌、細胞培養(yǎng)、育種、發(fā)酵及溫度不高于65℃恒溫實驗。 產品特點: 1, 精密數(shù)字顯示儀控溫,溫度準確可靠。 2, 門中間及大門內設有玻璃觀察窗門可直接觀察箱內變化。 3, 硅橡膠密封條密封,密封性能好。
SG-8021系列數(shù)顯恒溫振蕩培養(yǎng)箱是在生化培養(yǎng)箱的基礎上改進而成,它即可當生化培養(yǎng)箱使用,也可用于振蕩培養(yǎng),生化振蕩一氣合成.可廣泛的用于實驗,生物、遺傳、病毒醫(yī)學、環(huán)保、食品、石油、化工等科研、教育和生產部門作精密培養(yǎng)制備*的實驗室設備。 該系列產品溫度控制采用提前系統(tǒng),LED顯示。控溫精度高,溫度調節(jié)方便、示值準確直觀,性能*可靠。又名全溫振蕩器,采用優(yōu)質全封閉壓縮機,制冷量大,箱內配有風機和裝置,強迫空氣對流,溫度分布更加均勻。
SG-7808系列智能型霉菌培養(yǎng)箱是本公司為滿足各類實驗室需求,經過精心設計和精致加工工藝生產,本儀器采用單片機技術,智能數(shù)顯溫度控制系統(tǒng),控溫精度高,溫度調節(jié)方便,示值準確直觀,性能*可靠. 整機造型美觀大方,使用簡單方便。 SG-7808系列智能型在各相關行業(yè)具有廣泛的用途:適用于環(huán)境保護、醫(yī)藥、化工、農業(yè)等領域,是科研、檢測生產中各種生物培養(yǎng)的設備。適用于細菌、霉菌、微生物、抗生物、組織細胞的培養(yǎng)與保存;植物栽培、育種試驗;生物制品、藥品、疫苗、血液和各種標本的保存與試驗

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  • 劉先生



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